from argparse import ArgumentParser as ap from datetime import timedelta from secrets import choice from string import ascii_letters from timeit import default_timer as timer def reset_stopwatch(): return timer() def get_elapsed(starttime): end = timer() return timedelta(seconds=end - starttime) def randstring(strlen=64): return ''.join(choice(ascii_letters) for _ in range(strlen)) def spawn(listlen=100): base_list = [randstring(10) + "." + randstring(10) + "@" + randstring(15) + ".com" for _ in range(listlen)] dup_list = [choice(base_list) for _ in range(len(base_list))] final_list = [] for i in range(listlen): final_list.append(base_list[i]) final_list.append(dup_list[i]) return final_list def dups(biglist): seen = set() uneek = [] for x in biglist: if x not in seen: uneek.append(x) seen.add(x) return list(seen), uneek # NOTE: # In the event that you do not need both lists, # there is a much simpler, more "pythonic", way # to do the pruning with python: def prune(biglist): return list(dict.fromkeys(biglist)) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = ap() parser.add_argument('-e', '--emails', type=int, default=1000, metavar="emails", help='The number of emails to generate (default=1000)', required=False) args = parser.parse_args() email_count = args.emails # NOTE: The spawning process takes an enormous amount of time, # but since the challenge didn't say anything about how long it takes to # generate 100,000 emails (only how long it takes to de-dupe them), I # didn't do much to try to optimize the creation of the list of emails. # But I will say, that I kept it entirely in memory, to avoid having to # deal with disk i/o. start = reset_stopwatch() list_with_dups = spawn(email_count) print(f"GENERATED COMPLETE LIST WITH DUPLICATES: (count = {len(list_with_dups)})") # [print(i) for i in list_with_dups] t1 = get_elapsed(start) print("Elapsed Time: ", t1) # This is the part we really care about. This step takes the generated list, # and runs it through the de-duplicator, returning two lists: the originals, # and the duplicates. Note, that these lists are identical in LENGTH ONLY, # because the bifurcation process leaves them unsorted, according to the # requirements. If sorted, they could be shown to be identical in content # as well. start = reset_stopwatch() dup_list, orig_list = dups(list_with_dups) print(f"IDENTIFIED DUPLICATES IN COMPLETE LIST: (count = {len(dup_list)})") # [print(i) for i in dup_list] t2 = get_elapsed(start) print("Elapsed time: ", t2) print("\n\n") print(f"TOTAL ELAPSED TIME: {t1 + t2}")