--- title: "Book 3 Chapter 6: Glory Is No Substitute" date: 2020-10-18T21:01:44Z series: "The Consolation of Philosophy" image: img/1295493-1601225654890-7ab2f9f187efe.jpg enclosure: audio/podcast_2020-09-27_boethius-book-3-chapter-6.mp3 draft: false --- {{< audio "https://gmgauthier.us-east-1.linodeobjects.com/podcast/audio/podcast_2020-09-27_boethius-book-3-chapter-6.mp3" >}} (d) Fame conferred on the unworthy is but disgrace. The splendour of noble birth is not a man’s own, but his ancestors’. Analysis – Philosophy Tells us why Glory is a poor substitute for true happiness. The dialogue actually dances between two different definitions of glory – terrestrial, and transcendent. *Bonus content: a segment from a **Paula Gooder lecture, on the question of glory**. You can find the {{< newtab title="original lecture here." url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ6NX0REEOE" >}}.