--- title: "It's Alive!" date: 2021-03-30T20:14:33+01:00 tags: ["shortcodes", "hugo"] topics: ["tech", "blogging"] draft: false --- # Welcome To My Blog Here's a snippet of Go, using the built-in "highlight" shortcode. {{< highlight go >}} func str2int(strnum string) int { i, err := strconv.Atoi(strnum) if err != nil { return 9999 } return i } {{< /highlight >}} Here's a snippet of Java Springboot using code fencing. ```java @RestController @RequestMapping(value = "/hello") public class TrainerController { @GetMapping public String helloWorld(){ return "Hello, World!"; } } ``` Here's a snippet of Python using code fencing. ```python def test_firefox_browser(headless): bd = BrowserDriver().get("firefox", headless=headless) bd.get('https://test.io') assert "QA Testing as a Service | test IO" == bd.title bd.quit() ```