--- title: "The Power of the Powerless - Part 1: Havel, Marx, and Lenin" date: 2022-02-21T15:21:31Z tags: ["communism", "marxism", "dissent", "free speech", "vaclav havel"] topics: ["philosophy", "politics"] image: img/power-of-the-powerless-resized.jpg description: "Vaclav Havel respected his communist mentors. That is the context in which we should understand this text." draft: false --- This post is a placeholder in which to post my first video commentary on Havel's "The Power of the Powerless". One errata: I said he was critiquing the Russian government. This isn't entirely correct. He's critiquing the Russian soviet, the Czechoslovakian government, and all other governments he labels as "post-totalitarian". We'll get into that, as the commentaries continue. {{< odysee havel-marx-and-lenin >}}