#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "Supply a file with full path to be published" exit 1 fi file=$(basename "${1}") # The assumption is all images are for the blog if [[ "$1" =~ .*\.(gif|jpg|png) ]]; then s3cmd put -P ${1} s3://gmgauthier/blog/img/${file} fi # The assumption is all audio is for the podcast if [[ "$1" =~ .*\.(mp3|ogg|wav) ]]; then s3cmd put -P ${1} s3://gmgauthier/podcast/audio/${file} fi # The assumption is all video is generic if [[ "$1" =~ .*\.(mp4|mkv|m4v) ]]; then s3cmd put -P ${1} s3://gmgauthier/videos/${file} fi