import configparser import pytest import fixtures config = configparser.ConfigParser() def pytest_addoption(parser): """ attaches optional cmd-line args to the pytest machinery """ parser.addoption('--properties', action='store', default='staging', help='the name of the environment for which you need properties.') parser.addoption('--fixture', action='store', default='default', help='the name of the environment for which you need fixture accounts.') @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) def service_base_url(pytestconfig): """ The url of the live sme-service under test """ env = pytestconfig.getoption("env") return _read_config_section(fixtures, env)['target_url'] @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) def fixture_data(pytestconfig): """ The fixture data items for the account under test """ #env = pytestconfig.getoption("env") return _read_config_section(fixtures, "env") def _read_config_section(source, section): return config[section] def _read_fixture_file(fixtures): fixture_data = return fixture_data