beautify the menu

This commit is contained in:
Greg Gauthier 2021-03-16 23:49:14 +00:00
parent f3cabfa83b
commit 721632ac82
1 changed files with 13 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -6,24 +6,35 @@ import (
func Short( s string, i int ) string {
runes := []rune( s )
if len( runes ) > i {
return string( runes[:i] )
return s
func Quit() {
func RadioMenu(stations []stationRecord) *wmenu.Menu {
fmt.Println("...Radio Menu...")
menu := wmenu.NewMenu("What is your choice?")
func (opts []wmenu.Opt) error {
if opts[0].Text == "Quit"{Quit()}
val := fmt.Sprintf("%s",opts[0].Value)
fmt.Printf("Streaming: '" + opts[0].Text + "' at url - "+ val +"\n")
fmt.Printf("Streaming: " + opts[0].Text + "\n")
stdout, _ := subExecute(player(), options(), val)
return nil
for _, station := range stations {
menu.Option(station.Name, station.Url, false, nil )
stationListing := fmt.Sprintf("%-40s %-5s %-5s %s", Short(station.Name, 40), station.Codec, station.Bitrate, station.Url)
menu.Option(stationListing, station.Url, false, nil )
menu.Option("Quit", nil, true, nil)
return menu