import argparse import DNS import json import requests import secrets from radiomenu import RadioMenu def ipaddr(hostname, rectype='A'): return DNS.dnslookup(hostname, rectype, 3) def nsname(ipaddrs, rectype='A'): return DNS.revlookup(ipaddrs, 3) def get_host(): hosts = ipaddr('') preferred_host = secrets.choice(hosts) return nsname(preferred_host) def get_station_by_name(callsign, host): resp = requests.get(f"https://{host}/json/stations/byname/" + callsign) if resp.status_code == 200: return json.loads(resp.text) else: return [{"response_code": resp.status_code, "reason": resp.reason}] def get_stations(qstring, host): # # # # resp = requests.get(f"https://{host}/json/stations/search?{qstring}&limit=100000") if resp.status_code == 200: return json.loads(resp.text) else: return [{"response_code": resp.status_code, "reason": resp.reason}] def search_stations(name=None, country=None, state=None, tags=None, status="up"): if tags is None: tags = [] query = "" if name: if query != "": query = query + "&" query = query + "name=" + name if country: if query != "": query = query + "&" query = query + "country=" + country if state: if query != "": query = query + "&" query = query + "state=" + state if len(tags) > 0: if query != "": query = query + "&" tag_string = ','.join(tags) # Be careful here! the tag list is order-dependent in the http call :( query = query + "tag=" + tag_string stations = get_stations(query, get_host()) filtered_list = [] for station in stations: station_stat = "down" if str(station["lastchecktime"]) == str(station["lastcheckoktime"]): station_stat = "up" if len(tags) > 1 and station["tags"] == "": # If searching with tags, but no tags, don't include the station. continue if station_stat == status: # only add the entry if it matches the up/down status specified. station_entry = { "name": str(station["name"]).replace('"', "'").replace(",", " - "), "url": str(station["url"].replace(",", "%2C")), "codec": str(station["codec"]), "bitrate": str(station["bitrate"]), "countrycode": str(station["countrycode"]), "favicon": str(station["favicon"]).replace(" ", "%20").replace("(", "%28").replace(")", "%29"), "tags": str(station["tags"].split(",")).replace(",", ";"), "status": str(station_stat) } filtered_list.append(station_entry) return filtered_list if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", type=str, help="Name of station", default=None) parser.add_argument("-c", "--country", type=str, help="Station country", default=None) parser.add_argument("-s", "--state", type=str, help="Station state (if in US)", default=None) parser.add_argument("-t", "--tags", type=str, help="search tag or tags (if more than one, comma-separated", default="") args = parser.parse_args() station_list = search_stations(,, state=args.state, tags=args.tags.split(",")) mainMenu = RadioMenu(station_list) mainMenu.display()